来源: | 作者:广西创正信息 | 发布时间: 2022-08-08 | 975 次浏览 | 分享到:








图1 配置有线园区网跨二层网络接入层组网图



1.  配置Parent组成集群,以保证SVF系统的高可靠性。

2.  使能Parent的SVF功能。

3.  在Parent上配置AS的接入参数,包括AS的名称、认证方式、Parent连接AS的Fabric-port。


4.  在AS上配置接入SVF的上行Fabric-port。

5.  连接Parent与二层网络、AS与二层网络之间的连线。将AS清空配置并重启。

6.  配置业务模板并将其绑定至各AS。


1.  配置Parent中的两台交换机组成集群系统。

2.  登录集群系统并使能SVF功能。

# 配置SVF的管理VLAN并使能Parent的SVF功能。

<HUAWEI> system-view

[HUAWEI] vlan batch 11

[HUAWEI] dhcp enable

[HUAWEI] interface vlanif 11

[HUAWEI-Vlanif11] ip address 24

[HUAWEI-Vlanif11] dhcp select interface

[HUAWEI-Vlanif11] dhcp server option 43 ip-address

[HUAWEI-Vlanif11] quit

[HUAWEI] capwap source interface vlanif 11

[HUAWEI] stp mode rstp

[HUAWEI] uni-mng

Warning: This operation will enable the uni-mng mode and disconnect all ASs. STP calculation may be triggered and service traffic will be affected. Continue? [Y/N]:y

3.  在Parent上配置AS的接入参数。

# (可选)配置各AS的名称。

·        如果不执行此步骤,则系统会在AS上线时自动生成AS设备信息的相关配置,其中AS名称为“系统默认名称-系统MAC地址”。

·        如果要执行此步骤,请确保配置的model以及mac-address参数与设备实际信息一致,其中mac-address一定要是AS的管理MAC或系统MAC(在AS上执行命令display as access configuration查看管理MAC地址,如果管理MAC显示为“--”,mac-address就使用系统MAC地址),配置与实际接入的AS信息不符将导致AS无法上线。

[HUAWEI-um] as name as1 model S5720-28P-SI-AC mac-address 0200-0000-0011

[HUAWEI-um-as-as1] quit

[HUAWEI-um] as name as2 model S5720-12TP-LI-AC mac-address 0200-0000-0022

[HUAWEI-um-as-as2] quit

# 配置Parent连接AS的Fabric-port。


[HUAWEI-um] interface fabric-port 1

[HUAWEI-um-fabric-port-1] port connect-type indirect

[HUAWEI-um-fabric-port-1] port member-group interface eth-trunk 1

[HUAWEI-um-fabric-port-1] quit

[HUAWEI-um] quit

[HUAWEI] interface eth-trunk 1

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] port link-type hybrid

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] port hybrid tagged vlan 11

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] stp root-protection

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] stp edged-port disable

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] loop-detection disable

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] mode lacp     //此例中,二层网络接口配置了Eth-Trunk工作模式为LACP模式。

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] authentication control-point open

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] quit

[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet 1/1/0/1

[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet1/1/0/1] eth-trunk 1

[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet1/1/0/1] quit

[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet 2/1/0/1

[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/1/0/1] eth-trunk 1

[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/1/0/1] quit

配置Parent连接as2的Fabric-port 2的过程请参照as1,过程略。

# 配置AS上线接入时进行白名单认证。

在AS上执行命令display as access configuration查看AS的管理MAC,如果管理MAC显示为“--”,白名单中配置的MAC就是AS的系统MAC,否则就是管理MAC。

[HUAWEI] as-auth

[HUAWEI-as-auth] undo auth-mode

[HUAWEI-as-auth] whitelist mac-address 0200-0000-0011

[HUAWEI-as-auth] whitelist mac-address 0200-0000-0022

[HUAWEI-as-auth] quit

4.  在AS上配置接入SVF的上行Fabric-port。

# 配置设备在VCMP管理域中的角色为Silent。

<HUAWEI> system-view

[HUAWEI] vcmp role silent

[HUAWEI] quit

# 配置as1接入SVF的上行Fabric-port。

<HUAWEI> uni-mng indirect mng-vlan 11

<HUAWEI> uni-mng indirect fabric-port member interface gigabitethernet 0/0/27

<HUAWEI> uni-mng indirect fabric-port member interface gigabitethernet 0/0/28

# 配置as2接入SVF的上行Fabric-port。

<HUAWEI> uni-mng indirect mng-vlan 11

<HUAWEI> uni-mng indirect fabric-port member interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

<HUAWEI> uni-mng indirect fabric-port member interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2

5.  将AS清空配置并重启。连接Parent与二层网络、AS与二层网络之间的连线。

# 执行命令reset saved-configuration清空AS的配置并重新启动后,连接Parent与二层网络、AS与二层网络之间的连线,SVF即可建立。

·        在重启AS前,请先判断AS与Parent相连的接口是否是下行接口。若AS与Parent相连的接口是下行接口,请在AS重启前执行命令uni-mng up-direction fabric-port设置该接口为上行接口(可执行命令display uni-mng up-direction fabric-port查看接口是否成功设置为上行接口),否则会导致AS无法正常上线。

·        AS连接Parent时要求必须为空配置(无启动配置文件)且Console口无输入。

# 连接线缆后,执行命令display as all查看各AS是否成功上线接入。

[HUAWEI] display as all

Total: 2, Normal: 2, Fault: 0, Idle: 0, Version mismatch: 0


No.  Type           MAC            IP              State        Name


0    S5720-SI       0200-0000-0011  normal      as1

1    S5720-LI       0200-0000-0022  normal      as2



6.  配置业务模板并绑定至AS。

# 配置AS管理员模板并绑定至所有的AS。

[HUAWEI] uni-mng

[HUAWEI-um] as-admin-profile name admin_profile

[HUAWEI-um-as-admin-admin_profile] user asuser password hello@123

[HUAWEI-um-as-admin-admin_profile] quit

[HUAWEI-um] as-group name admin_group

[HUAWEI-um-as-group-admin_group] as name-include as

[HUAWEI-um-as-group-admin_group] as-admin-profile admin_profile

[HUAWEI-um-as-group-admin_group] quit

# 配置网络基础模板并绑定至AS的端口。

[HUAWEI-um] network-basic-profile name basic_profile_1

[HUAWEI-um-net-basic-basic_profile_1] user-vlan 10

[HUAWEI-um-net-basic-basic_profile_1] quit

[HUAWEI-um] network-basic-profile name basic_profile_2

[HUAWEI-um-net-basic-basic_profile_2] user-vlan 20

[HUAWEI-um-net-basic-basic_profile_2] quit

[HUAWEI-um] port-group name port_group_1

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_1] as name as1 interface all

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_1] network-basic-profile basic_profile_1

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_1] quit

[HUAWEI-um] port-group name port_group_2

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_2] as name as2 interface all

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_2] network-basic-profile basic_profile_2

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_2] quit

[HUAWEI-um] quit

# 配置用户接入模板并绑定至所有AS的端口。

[HUAWEI] dot1x-access-profile name 1

[HUAWEI-dot1x-access-profile-1] quit

[HUAWEI] authentication-profile name dot1x_auth

[HUAWEI-authen-profile-dot1x_auth] dot1x-access-profile 1

[HUAWEI-authen-profile-dot1x_auth] quit

[HUAWEI] uni-mng

[HUAWEI-um] user-access-profile name access_profile

[HUAWEI-um-user-access-access_profile] authentication-profile dot1x_auth

[HUAWEI-um-user-access-access_profile] quit

[HUAWEI-um] port-group name port_group_1

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_1] user-access-profile access_profile

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_1] quit

[HUAWEI-um] port-group name port_group_2

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_2] user-access-profile access_profile

[HUAWEI-um-portgroup-port_group_2] quit

# 提交配置,使业务模板中的配置下发至AS。

[HUAWEI-um] commit as all

Warning: Committing the configuration will take a long time. Continue?[Y/N]: y

[HUAWEI-um] quit

# 绑定用户接入模板到Fabric-port。

[HUAWEI] interface eth-trunk 1

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] authentication-profile dot1x_auth

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk1] quit

[HUAWEI] interface eth-trunk 2

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk2] authentication-profile dot1x_auth

[HUAWEI-Eth-Trunk2] quit

# 执行命令display uni-mng commit-result profile查看业务模板中的配置是否已成功下发至AS。

[HUAWEI] display uni-mng commit-result profile

Result of profile:


 AS Name                         Commit Time               Commit/Execute Result


 as1                             2014-08-25 22:29:18       Success/Success

 as2                             2014-08-25 22:29:18       Success/Success


当“Commit/Execute Result”的状态为“Success/Success”时表示业务模板中的配置已成功下发至AS。


· SVF系统的配置文件

·       #

·       vlan batch 11

·       #

·       stp mode rstp

·       stp instance 0 priority 28672

·       #

·       authentication-profile name dot1x_auth

·        dot1x-access-profile 1

·       #

·       lldp enable

·       #

·       dhcp enable

·       #

·       interface Vlanif11

·        ip address

·        dhcp select interface

·        dhcp server option 43 ip-address

·       #

·       interface Eth-Trunk1

·        port link-type hybrid

·        port hybrid tagged vlan 11

·        stp root-protection

·        stp edged-port disable

·        authentication control-point open

·        authentication-profile dot1x_auth

·        mode lacp

·        loop-detection disable

·       #

·       interface Eth-Trunk2

·        port link-type hybrid

·        port hybrid tagged vlan 11

·        stp root-protection

·        stp edged-port disable

·        authentication control-point open

·        authentication-profile dot1x_auth

·        mode lacp

·        loop-detection disable

·       #

·       interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0/1

·        eth-trunk 1

·       #

·       interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0/2

·        eth-trunk 2

·       #

·       interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0/1

·        eth-trunk 1

·       #

·       interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0/2

·        eth-trunk 2

·       #

·       capwap source interface vlanif11

·       #

·       as-auth

·        whitelist mac-address 0200-0000-0011

·        whitelist mac-address 0200-0000-0022

·       #

·       uni-mng

·        as name as1 model S5720-28P-SI-AC mac-address 0200-0000-0011

·        as name as2 model S5720-12TP-LI-AC mac-address 0200-0000-0022

·        interface fabric-port 1

·         port connect-type indirect

·         port member-group interface Eth-Trunk 1

·        interface fabric-port 2

·         port connect-type indirect

·         port member-group interface Eth-Trunk 2

·        as-admin-profile name admin_profile

·         user asuser password %^%#Ky,WNqWh_DZ[(V96yvSEph)VLMc/+U}>]i2:"9n:%^%#

·        network-basic-profile name basic_profile_1

·         user-vlan 10

·        network-basic-profile name basic_profile_2

·         user-vlan 20

·        user-access-profile name access_profile

·         authentication-profile dot1x_auth

·        as-group name admin_group

·         as-admin-profile admin_profile

·         as name as1

·         as name as2

·        port-group name port_group_1

·         network-basic-profile basic_profile_1

·         user-access-profile access_profile

·         as name as1 interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1 to 0/0/24

·        port-group name port_group_2

·         network-basic-profile basic_profile_2

·         user-access-profile access_profile

·         as name as2 interface Ethernet 0/0/1 to 0/0/24

·       #

·       dot1x-access-profile name 1

·       #
